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Deepening the Quality Certification of Sports Equipment, CSGF Signed the Cooperation Agreement with JD.COM

Source:CHINA SPORTING GOODS FEDERATIONRelease time:2024-07-02Clicks:

On May 24, the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between China Sporting Goods Federation (hereinafter referred to as CSGF) and JD.COM was successfully held in Chengdu.
The content of the agreement will have a significant impact on the development of China's sports industry, especially for consumer products. The signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation between CSGF and will further strengthen's presence and resource integration in the sports equipment field, providing consumers with more and better choices. Through this cooperation, both parties will work together to improve the quality and service standards of sports equipment, meet consumers' demands for high-quality sports equipment, and support the healthy growth of the sports equipment industry.

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